Booking Information
We would appreciate a phone call letting us know that you would like a Kennel inspection.
Booking Requirements
We require current:
Payment Methods
Direct Debit, Credit Card or Cash
All dogs can see each other and can interact with each other – and there is no charge for the dogs to be exercised without a person playing with them.
All Cats are kept separate unless there are 2 from the same family and are requested by the owner.
Drop off and pick up times are 8AM to 10AM or 4PM to 6PM.
You are also welcome to do a Kennel/ Cattery inspection between 9-10am or 4-5pm every day except SATURDAY if you wish.
Worming & Flea treatment is the customer responsibility
We would appreciate a phone call letting us know that you would like a Kennel inspection.
We require current:
C5 vaccinations for dogs
Direct Debit, Credit Card or Cash
Please supply details below so your booking can be easily processed
Confirmation will be returned to you within 24-48 hours