Dog Accommodation
Dogs are housed in spacious, clean and fully covered concrete and brick runs. These runs are either 16ft or 22 ft long by 4 ft wide & include a 4 ft sleeping area. Trampoline beds/Plastic Sleeping Baskets are provided with clean covers for larger breeds or sleeping baskets with bedding for the smaller breeds.
There are 7 exercise area that partily covered to protect your dog from the sun or rain for your dog to be able to have some playtime if they are suitable to be allowed to run free.
No Dog is housed with other Dogs unless requested.
Customers may bring their own bedding or toys to comfort their Dog.

Cat Accommodation
Cats are housed in spacious, clean and fully covered Cattery. The size of each individual Cattery is 4ft wide by 7ft long by 7ft high.
No Cat is housed with other Cats unless requested and are from the same family.
Customers may bring their own bedding or toys to comfort their Cat.